Established in 2013 by engineering powerhouse Adam Yeates and skilled creative designer Robert Llewellyn, Bert Frank is an award-winning British design house specialising in lighting pieces that fuse discerning design with scientific engineering principles.
Originating in Birmingham, the proclaimed underground utilitarian hub of Great Britain, Bert Frank was founded on a code of respect and appreciation for contemporary form strengthened by traditional function. The Bert Frank identity is expounded by Robbie’s affluent flair for design, nurtured into sustainability by Adam’s aptitude for engineering and construction techniques.
Distinct in their directive, the team at Bert Frank decode aesthetically pleasing pieces that are fully functional and built to last. Within the systematic sanctuary of an intimate workshop in Birmingham, the Bert Frank artisans carry unique skillsets, united by a shared vision, ultimately brings equanimity to polarised principles, calibrating form against function.
Bespoke and made to order, Bert Frank pieces are on display at the Kartar & Seibo showroom.
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